Ted lives and works in Galway on Ireland’s spectacular west coast and from here he draws much of his inspiration and influence as a landscape artist.

His sense of humour emerges in his work through fantasy landscapes that pull you into a twilight world, where half real and half imagined events are played out against dramatic skies. His poster images have helped to create a brand image for Galway with its fun-city atmosphere. They have adorned the walls of pubs, cafes, shops and living rooms for many years which is a testament to his popularity in itself.

He is a co-founder of the Galway International Arts Festival and has been involved in its creative vision, identity and brand image as a premier Irish arts event since 1978.

He is also a world traveller, having been around the globe three times, and he worked for six years on the road with the amazing Footsbarn Theatre, now based in France.

Many of Ted’s classic poster images that were made through the eighties and nineties are now collector’s items.

Ted has been involved with the arts in Ireland since he arrived from England in 1973 and has been at the forefront of many ventures, including In Dublin Magazine (co founder & designer); the early years of Druid Theatre (designer and graphic artist); programming arts festivals in both Galway and Cork (artistic director: Galway International Arts Festival 1996 – 99, and Cork Midsummer Festival 2000 – 02).

From 2004 to 2017 he was director of the Black Cat Gallery in Galway in partnership with Janet Vinnell where they set up an art gallery to sell their own paintings. He now works from his studio at home in the historic medieval town of Athenry just 20 km east of Galway city.

Most recently, he and his wife, Lali Morris have been involved with Galway’s successful bid to be European Capital of Culture in 2020. They are currently working on proposals and projects to involve Athenry in the build up to 2020 in a shared involvement with both local and international artists.